Monday, 9 November 2015

Resolutions adopted at DAP Sarawak convention


1.       Reaffirm the DAP 2014 Bintulu Declaration :  Towards Equal Partners”

(a)           EQUAL PARTNERS between Sarawak and West Malaysia
                        1.       To call upon the Federal Government to respect the true spirit of the formation of Malaysia that Malaysia is a secular state where freedom of religion shall be upheld at all time.
                        2.       To return to Sarawak 20% Oil and Gas Royalty and 50% of all tax revenue collected in Sarawak.
                        3.       To devolve full autonomous powers on education and health care as well as partial autonomous power over police matter to Sarawak.
                        4.       To create the post of Minister for Sarawak Affair who shall have the final decision on all Federal matters in relation to or affecting Sarawak.
                        5.       To grant the Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak the autonomous power in budgetary and administrative matters in relation to the judiciary in Sabah and Sarawak.

State BN Youth: Next state election is all about Adenan, not Najib


By Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof
Sarawak BN Youth Chairman.

Each and every Sarawakians are smart enough to realize that this is a state elections and have nothing to do with Dato Sri Najib's leadership.

This is Tan Sri Adenan Satem's leadership we are talking about and he has made real and impressive changes to the state in the short two years that he has been in charge.