Thursday 27 August 2015

Don't make use of S4S movement for your political careers, Jaban tells opportunists

KUCHING, Aug 27, 2015 - Peter John Jaban, one of the organisers of last month’s unprecedented Sarawak 4 Sarawakians gathering today hit out at opportunists who are attempting to found political careers on the widespread support for the civil society movement. 

"The success of the movement is based on the fact that it is apolitical and these moves to hijack its popularity will only serve to destroy the movement itself, thus robbing the Rakyat of a genuine avenue of self-expression, much in the same way as Bersih, another civil society movement, has been incorrectly branded in the press as opposition," he said.

Peter John Jaban (centre) with K.C. Tan and Robert Liew at the press conference in Kuching.

Jaban said: “They are welcome to say that they support the goals of the movement but not that they represent it.  They certainly should not use it to gain political mileage.  Much has been made of the status of S4S – is it a registered entity; is it a political party? 

"The answer has always been that S4S is an aspiration, an expression of the people of Sarawak for the future of their state.  It is truly the voice of the people and that has been its success. 

"It is not associated with any political party.  If a handful of people take it upon themselves to use the S4S brand to further their personal political goals, then they will undermine the whole movement. 

"We Sarawakians cannot allow that to happen.  If these people have the support, then they should get it on their own merits – they shouldn’t rely on S4S.  If they don’t, then they need to find another way to promote themselves.”

He added: "Of course, we do not own the ideology behind S4S, but few of these so-called ‘representatives’ of the movement have been heavily involved in it up until now. Lina Soo, for example, insisted on holding her event for 22 July, Sarawak Independence Day, on the preceding Sunday 19 July. 

"Now I hear that she is telling everyone not to attend the Bersih gathering.  However, I give her credit because she has been campaigning for greater autonomy for Sarawak for some time under the banner of 722 and SAPA. 

"Fong Pau Teck, on the other hand, has not been involved at all in the organization of the recent high-profile S4S events in Miri or Kuching.  Having been ejected from DAP, he seems to be a politician in search of a platform and it seems like any platform will do.”

He ended by saying: “It is because of this that I dare to challenge Fong Pau Teck to throw his support behind Bersih on 29 August. 

"If he feels he has the support without S4S, then let him bring his crowd out for Bersih; let him organize a gathering in Miri calling for free and fair elections and good governance. 

"When it comes to the next election, anyone with the courage of their convictions can join the fray, but do not use S4S, Bersih or any other popular movement for your own ends.  You are welcome to campaign as CIA or FBI or whatever they choose, but not to capitalize on the hard work of others.” 

Jaban said the Sarawak 4 Sarawakians movement has already had marked success as a pressure group, with politicians from all parties who have allowed Sarawakian rights to be eaten away over the last few decades suddenly scrambling to espouse their demands for autonomy. 
"S4S have had to stand up and speak out because our Wakil Rakyat are deaf and dumb.  If the politicians take S4S over, the Sarawakians will be back to square one," he added.

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