Wednesday 20 May 2015

Do something to these back alleys behind shophouses in Betong, urges Vernon

BETONG, May 20, 2015 - PKR Betong branch chairman Vernon Aji Kedit moaned at the ill-treatment  accorded to some of the back alleys behind shophouses in the town by the state government.

 "Despite the frenzy of re-sealing and re-tarring of main roads in Betong town in the past six months, the public in Betong cannot understand why the back alleys of have been ostensibly left to rot with big potholes," he complained today.

One of the back alleys in Betong town in really bad shape

He said a back alley behind the row of shophouses where the only commercial bank in Betong is located is in a sorry state.

"It is an important road for the businesses around this newer part of Betong town. Lorries and delivery vans have to use this back road to deliver and pick up goods to the businesses around," he said.

 "More dangerous is the fact that there is an 'overgrown jungle' just beside the alley, and the adjacent shophouses have had poisonous snakes slithered up into their upper floors and roofs from these branches," he said, quoting eyewitnesses.

He added the overhanging tree branches and crowded bushes should be cleared to ensure that these do not become breeding haunts of mosquitoes, cobras, rats and other wild creatures. 

 "Many of the shopkeepers have told me that they have complained to the authorities about the potholes and the 'overgrown jungle' but nothing has been done.

"Hopefully this news report will inspite the relevant people to wake up and do something," he  sarcastically said.

He added: " The Barisan Nasional keeps telling us that it has allocated billions to rural development, which I can safely presume some of those millions were channelled to Betong.

"To re-tar this particular back alley and do some gardening next to the alley is not going to cost millions.

"What is the Barisan's excuse this time for not allocating priority to this alley in Betong? No budget? Or got holes in the budget?" quipped Vernon.

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