Saturday 6 July 2024

Sarawak govt re-visiting e-kasih system, wants to find out the actual povery rate


By Simon Peter

KUCHING, July 6, 2024 - The Sarawak government is currently re-visiting e-kasih system to study the “actual” rate of poverty in the state. 

Picture: PBB president Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Openg (left) chairing the PBB supreme council meeting at PBB headquarters.

Premier Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Openg said he will announce the outcome of the study when he tables the state Budget 2025 in the Sarawak Legislative Assembly (SLA) sitting in November this year.

“We will then know the conclusion of the study on the poverty in the rural areas,” he told reporters after chairing the PBB supreme council meeting.

“But for me there are signs that the poverty rate has reduced because the situation on the livelihood of the rural people has changed. There are changes in the longhouses and villages and many households have 4WD vehicles.

“If they are really poor, I don’t think that they can own  4WD vehicles,” Abang Johari, who is also PBB president and Gedong State Assemblyman, said.

However, he said the list of e-kasih from the federal Economic Planning Unit is still being used in the categorisation of poverty group.

“There are people who own vehicles and good houses, but their names are still on the list,” he said.

He said it is for this reason that the Sarawak government is re-visiting the e-kasih system to study the poverty rate in Sarawak.

“With the availability of the statistics, we will come up with a long term economic policy,” he said.

He said the state government has the list of people who receive welfare assistance from the government.

He said according to the e-kasih list, these are the people who are under the poverty category and should receive welfare assistance from the government.

“Over the years, these people have improved in terms of getting more income, and should not be under the poverty category anymore because they have increased their income and assets.

“Because the e-kasih is giving free welfare assistance, there are people who do not want to leave. If they are out, then they will not receive the assistance anymore,” he said.

He said based on economic data, there must be a precise data, explaining the reasons why Sarawak wants to find out how many people are actually under the poverty category.

He said on the whole the state’s economy is encouraging and that investors are coming to Sarawak due to the stress on the renewable energy that will give advantage to the state.



Give power and funds to local agencies to build schools and clinics, Abang Johari tells federal government


By Henry Tiong

KUCHING, July 6, 2024 - Premier Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Openg last night urged the federal government to empower  the local agencies, through the state government, to build schools and clinics in Sarawak.

Picture: Premier urging federal government to allow local agencies in Sarawak to build schools and clinics

He said the federal government should channel funds to these agencies to build schools and clinics, including the nine development agencies that have been established in the state to empower rural leaders.

According to him, each relevant agency is allocated as much as RM1.5 billion by the state government for projects implementation within three years based on the needs of the grassroots, before receiving additional funds.

"So, this means that the decision-making is managed by local leaders through a decentralisation process. Otherwise, everything will be managed centrally in Petra Jaya, at Wisma Bapa Malaysia.

"Therefore, I suggest that Putrajaya authorises the local agencies to carry out projects, not all but some specific projects. 

“For example, the construction of a school or a clinic, we can implement as long as there are funds given by the federal government.

"If you can't implement a project, then give us the power so that we don't have to wait without knowing when these federal government facilities will be implemented,” he added. 

He said this in his speech to inaugurate the closing of the Land and Survey Department Sarawak Innovation and Integrity Day (HIITS) 2024 here, on Friday.

The premier praised the progressive steps taken by the Land and Survey Department  Sarawak in renewing and improving their operational efficiency by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) innovations in the land surveying process.

He further explained that the use of AI, especially generative AI technology, has brought about a major transformation in the field of land surveying so that mapping and analysis of land data can be done more quickly and accurately, further facilitating the process of land planning and development in Sarawak.

"The department is at the forefront of the use of this technology in Malaysia to the point many visitors from the peninsula come to learn our methods of using technology in management.

"I am confident that our future is bright with our existing data recording approach, if we want to measure the land quickly, whether I like it or not, I will have to add more JTS tasks that not only involve measuring land on land, but also at sea.

"This is because our economy has shifted towards a green economy that involves the entire spectrum, the entire strategic sector of our economy,” he added.

Also present were Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, Sarawak Secretary Datuk Amar Mohamad Abu Bakar Marzuki, Deputy Minister for Urban Planning, Land Administration and Environment Datuk Len Talif Salleh, Deputy Minister in the Sarawak Premier's Department (Integrity and Ombudsman) Datuk Dr Juanda Jaya, Permanent Secretary to the Sarawak Ministry of Natural Resources and Urban Development Datu Abdullah Julaihi, Land and Survey Director Awang Zamhari Awang Mahmood.


Pengguna MySRBN digesa muat turun aplikasi MySDEC sebelum 7 Julai


By Simon Peter

KUCHING, 6 JULAI 2024 – Pengguna Sarawak Rural Broadband Network

(MySRBN) yang telah mendaftar sepanjang tempoh percubaan digesa untuk

memuat turun aplikasi MySDEC dengan segera sebelum 7 Julai 2024 untuk terus

menggunakan perkhidmatan internet MySRBN yang telah dipertingkatkan.


Caption: The MySRBN drive at Kampung Buntal

Ikutan penambahbaikan dan pengembangan kawasan liputan, Kerajaan Sarawak

melalui Sarawak Digital Economy Corporation (SDEC) baru-baru ini telah

memperkenalkan pakej pra-bayar MySRBN yang telah dipra-muat dengan data

percuma 300MB setiap bulan, sekaligus memberi peluang kepada komuniti luar

bandar menikmati akses internet berkelajuan tinggi.

Menurut Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif SDEC Ir. Ts. Sudarnoto Osman, adalah kritikal

bagi pengguna MySRBN untuk memuat turun aplikasi MySDEC sebelum 7 Julai

untuk menikmati data percuma 300MB dan pada masa yang sama, mempunyai

pilihan untuk menambah nilai data apabila mereka telah habis menggunakan

data 300MB tersebut.

“Pengguna MySRBN mempunyai pilihan untuk menambah nilai data serendah

RM5 seminggu untuk 200GB data atau RM20 sebulan untuk 1TB data.

Walaubagaimanapun, terlebih dahulu, pengguna mesti mengemaskini maklumat

peribadi mereka dengan memuat turun aplikasi MySDEC melalui Apple App Store,

Google Play Store atau Huawei AppGallery,” kata Sudarnoto.

Tambah beliau lagi, untuk pengguna MySRBN sedia ada, terdapat ‘landing page’

yang akan timbul sebagai ‘pop-up’ dalam telefon bimbit untuk mereka mengisi

maklumat penting sebelum diberi akses kepada internet.

Selain daripada berfungsi untuk mendaftar perkhidmatan MySRBN, menambah

nilai dan membuat pembayaran, serta mengemaskini maklumat peribadi,

pengguna aplikasi MySDEC juga boleh menggunakan aplikasi tersebut untuk

menerima maklumat terkini berkaitan MySRBN secara ‘real-time’ dan inisiatif

SDEC, serta mendapat akses kepada portal kerajaan secara atas talian.

Untuk maklumat lanjut tentang MySRBN, layari atau ikuti

akaun Instagram MySRBN (my_srbn) atau Facebook MySRBN (Sarawak Rural

Broadband Network).