Monday 22 July 2024

Petros signs Gas sales Agreements with Petros and Sarawak Energy to commence its role as sole gas aggregator


By Henry Tiong

BINTULU, July 22, 2024 - State-owned oil and gas company Petroleum Sarawak Berhad (Petros) has recently signed Gas Sales Agreements (GSAs) with Sarawak Petchem Sdn Bhd (Sarawak Petchem) and Sarawak Energy Berhad (SEB) to commence its role as the sole gas aggregator to buy and sell all natural gas in Sarawak.

Picture: Premier Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Openg launching the RM7 billion Sarawak Methanol Complex in Bintulu.

The exchange of documents between Petros and the two state-owned companies was held today at the launch of the RM7 billion Sarawak Methanol Complex, witnessed by Premier Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Openg.

The first two GSAs signing signifying the implementation of the amendment to the state’s Distribution of Gas Ordinance, 2016 (DGO 2016), appointing Petros as the sole gas aggregator in Sarawak.

The two GSAs will enable Sarawak Petchem to have access to gas for its methanol plant and SEB for its gas-fired power generation in Bintulu.

As a gas aggregator, Petros will ensure that gas allocation for export and for local value-add is determined strategically and fairly.

The continued growth of Sarawak’s economy requires availability of natural gas as fuel for power generation, commercial industries and industrial feedstock.

It is envisaged that 30 per cent of the gas should be allocated for domestic needs by 2030 in line with the Post-Covid-19 Development Strategy 2030 (PCDS 2030).

Petros group chief executive officer Datuk Janin Girie said the signing of the two GSAs is a historical milestone in the implementation of the DGO to ensure sufficient natural gas is available to the people and for the industrial development of Sarawak.

We appreciate the trust placed upon us by the Sarawak government and the Ministry of Utility and Telecommunications  to secure domestic natural gas resources for the short, medium and long-term needs.”

He also emphasised that Petros is entrusted to invest in the development, expansion, management and maintenance of critical gas and energy infrastructure statewide.

Presently, it is progressing the development of four Gas Hubs in Kuching, Miri, Samalaju and Bintulu under the Sarawak Gas Roadmap (SGR).

These hubs, serving as central points for gas distribution through the “Hub-and-Spoke” delivery model, will enhance access to affordable gas and create industrial investment opportunities.

This includes the new gas trunkline that Petros is executing to deliver gas from Kidurong to the Samalaju Industrial Park.    

“To support Sarawak’s aspiration to become a high-income developed state by 2030, Petros continues its efforts to deliver real impacts through its strategic role as the gas aggregator.

Our ongoing implementation of SGR and the development of Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) infrastructure will be the engine of growth, uplifting and transforming Sarawak into an economic powerhouse for the nation and the region.

“These new infrastructure and value-adding gas-based projects are expected to collectively create over 100,000 high-quality jobs across the state for anak-anak Sarawak,”Janin stressed.

He added that in the coming months, Petros is looking forward to signing all other Gas Sales and Purchase Agreements with upstream gas sellers and downstream gas buyers.

Sarawak premier launching RM7 billion methanol complex, capable of producing 1.75 million metric tons of methanol annually


By Henry Tiong

BINTULU, July 22, 2024
- Sarawak Premier Tan Sri Abang Johari Openg today launched the state-of-the-art RM7 billion Sarawak Methanol Complex, a testament of the state leadership’s commitment to transform Bintulu into a petrochemical hub in the region. 

Premier Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Openg says Sarawak Methanol Complex representing another major investment in the state . File picture

The complex is capable of producing up to 1.75 metric tons of methanol annually.

He said it stands as proof that with sheer determination, teamwork and perseverance, the state can overcome challenges in undertaking such a massive and sophisticated project.

“This complex represents another major investment in Sarawak, serving as a catalyst for more economic development in this region, driving job creation, fostering sustainable growth and social inclusivity,” Abang Johari said.

He said the realization of the complex also marks the state’s entry into the petrochemical industry and emergence as a significant player in the global methanol market.

On the exchange of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the complex’s owner and operator Sarawak Petchem Sdn Bhd and Sarawak Petroleum Sdn Bhd (Petros), he said the state oil company will supply another new 160  Million standard cubic feet per day  (MMSCFD) of natural gas to Sarawak Petchem.

He said the supply of the natural to Sarawak Petchem is an integral of the Sarawak gas roadmap fpr the new low carbon ammonia and urea plant project in Bintulu.

“This is another downstream activity and we believe ammonia as basis for us to produce urea for the production of fertiliser that is important for our agriculture sector,” he said, adding that fertliser is important to ensure food security.

PBM re-elects Julau MP Larry Sng as president for another term, positions itself as a Borneo-based party


KUCHING, July 22, 2024 - Julau Member of Parliament Datuk Larry Sng was re-elected as president  Parti Bangsa Malaysia (PBM) as its triennial general meeting today.

PBM r-elects Datuk Larry Sng as president for another term. File picture

In a statement posted on his Facedbook, he said all the posts in the supreme council, Youth and Women’s wings are also filled without any contest, a testament of the party strength moving forward as a united party.

He said the TGM, which was smoothly organised, was attended by all the delegates throughout Malaysia.

He said PBM is positioning itself as a Borneo-based party since it is orginating from Borneo and over 50 per cent of its registered members are from Sarawak and Sabah.

However, he said this doesn’t mean that it has abandoned its national ambitions, saying that it is positioning itself much like Parti Warisan (Sabah)  and  Progressive Democratic Party (Sarawak), both being local parties with members and branches in the peninsular.

“As a fellow Sarawakian, I staunchly believe that the Borneo approach and mindset in managing our people in race and religious affairs can contribute positively towards nation building.

“Too much time has been wasted dwelling on divisive politics (3R) in the peninsular instead of achieving common goals.

“With government policies drawn up to make Malaysia a mediocre country as opposed to being a Great nation.

“This doesn’t mean that our party advocate to abandon Bumiputera policies but much can be done to refine them and to gradually move towards a merit based system, which addresses poverty as opposed to race.

“Not all Malays are poor, similarly not all non-Malays are rich either. The day we stop thinking ourselves as a Malay or Chinese or Indian first, but to think ourselves as Malaysian, then we can truly be Bangsa Malaysia,” Sng said.

He said as having served a total of four terms in overwhelmingly large Bumiputera constituencies; Pelagus (80%) and Julau (95%), not once has he ever thought of himself as a Chinese even though he may be the only one in a venue of thousands.

“I don’t see race nor do I feel there is a distinction between them and me. In my mind we are all one.

“Previous governments have tried to create this Malaysian identity with branding such as 1Malaysia and Keluarga Malaysia. However today politics is still perhaps even more polarised than before.

“I believe that PBM is the best political platform to live up to this Malaysian dream.

“We have lots of work ahead of us to achieve this dream and together we Malaysians can make this happen,” Sng said.