Sunday 14 July 2024

A PBB nominee to be sworn-in as Dewan Negara President on July 22?

KUCHING, July 14, 2024 - A nominee from Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) is speculated to be the next Dewan Negara President, taking the place of the late Datuk Mutang Tagal, who died more than two months ago of heart complications.

Picture: Dewan Negara Chamber

Graduated with a Bachelor of Laws (Hons) from Universiti Malaya in 1983, it is speculated that the nominee will be sworn-in on July 22, a source with the knowledge of the appointment said today.

His name was submitted by Premier Tan Sri Abang Johari Openg to Prime Minister Datuk Seru Anwar Ibrahim two months ago.

Abang Johari was quoted as saying that Mutang’s replacement would be a nominee from Sarawak.

According to the source, the nominee is expected to be sworn -in as a senator tomorrow.

The nominee is the chairman of a statutory body as well as a partner in a legal firm.

The 65-year old was the State Assemblyman from 1996 to 2011 before being replaced by the current State Assemblyman, who is also a deputy state minister.

Mutang, 69, served as the 20th President of the Dewan Negara  from February until his death on May 10, 2024.

He was the Member of Parliament for Bukit Mas from April 1982 to October 1990.

He died at the Institut Jantung Negara, Kuala Lumpur, due to heart complications.

Mutang replaced Tun Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar, who stepped down as the Dewan Negara President, upon his appointment as the Sarawak Governor.

We have yet to receive the RM100 million funds promised by PMX to repair dilapidated schools and clinics, Sarawak deputy minister says

KUCHING, July 14, 2024 - The RM100 million funds that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had promised to give for fixing dilapidated schools and clinics in Sarawak has yet to be channeled, Deputy Premier Datuk Amar Dr Sim Kui Hian said today.

Picture: Dr Sim: The state government will track the promise made by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Nevertheless, he said the state government will keep track of the premier’s promise that was made at the Gawai Dayak dinner on June 22 this year.

Anwar made the promise after Premier Tan Sri Abang Johari Openg had earlier said that the state government would be prepared to use RM200 million of the state funds to do repair works on dilapidated schools and clinics in the state.

He had said he expected the federal government to reimburse the state government after the repair works had been done.

Asked by reporters after launching a charity food fair organised by the Kuching Autistic Association at the Association of Churches in Sarawak (ACS) building, Dr Sim said the state government had not received anything from the federal government.

“But having said that, we are not going to wait (to start repairing works on the schools and clinics),” he said.

“We are going to plan as the premier had already allocated the funds. We know that what the premier has allocated will happen. Right?

“What the prime minister had promised, we will track his promise.

“That's all I can say.

“Because if you ask the Ministry of Health, they also don't know when the money is going to come,” Dr Sim, who is also the Minister of Public Health, Housing and Local Government, said.


Bandar Kuching MP says his name was used by an individual in a suspected cheating and dishonesty case

By Simon Peter

KUCHING, July 14, 2024 - Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii has given his statement to the police over a suspected cheating and dishonesty case where an individual was using his name to organise a singing competition at a hotel here, last year.

Picture shows Bandar Kuching MP Dr Kelvin Yii at the police station where his statement was recorded.

The hotel had lodged a police report for non-payment of bills incurred in organising the competition.

He explained the individual contacted his office asking for grant, but it was not approved due to the failure to follow procedures.

“My secretary than explained the procedures for application of grants and that we can only allocate to an NGO registered within our constituency (procedures set by the federal government), and was unable to allocate to any business or money making entity,” he said in a Facebook post yesterday.

Dr Yii said after multiple explanations by his secretary, the individual then still invited him to attend the event to "show support" even though he did not allocate any funds.

“Unfortunately/fortunately I was unable to attend it due to work commitments and only sent a representative to go,” he said.

“After the event, the individual did not pay the hotel for costs of event and when demanded, he used my name and claimed that I promised and committed to pay for the event.

“So police report was lodged and I am here to give my statement and furnishing all evidences, including screenshot of all WhatsApp conversations and documents to prove that no payment was promised on behalf.

“When it comes of handling of public funds, I am very  particular and will follow all necessary procedures not only because I am audited, but more importantly it is because I am handling public funds which has been entrusted to me.

“So I am very 'pantang' when it comes to usage of public funds and will expect the utmost form of accountability  and transparency of myself and office,” he said, saying that he published his yearly expenditures for the public information.

He said the police have assigned an investigative officer who worked hard on this case.

“I was informed this is not first time this has happened with this particular individual.

“Hope all investigation can be carried out smoothly and justice be served,” Dr Yii, who was accompanied by his assistant, who is a lawyer, to lodge the report.


The move to close the front gates of police stations gives wrong impression among the public, asserts Voon Lee Shan


By Simon Peter

KUCHING, July 14, 2024 - Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan asserted today that the move to close the front gates of police stations after 10pm gives a wrong impression among the public that such premises are not a safe place.

Picture: PBK president Voon Lee Shan says that police stations are considered the safest places so why close the front gates after10pm?

He said instead of closing the gates, police should placed sentries and do proper checking or inspection of people coming in and out of the police stations.

“We could see there are guard houses at the gates of the police stations, but, if there are no sentries at the guard house or if sentries are not doing their job at the guard house, police should take the blame themselves if police stations are attacked by undesirable elements,”he said when responding to a statement  from the federal police headquarters for all police stations nation-wide to close their gates after 10pm.

Voon, who is a former police officer, said closing the gates will cause inconvenience to public seeking help in times of distress or when there is an emergency.

“If police are not confident in ensuring their own safety and security inside their own police stations, then, how could police expect to command confidence of the public that they are able to keep peace and ensure public security in the country?” he asked.

He added the order to close gates did not receive favourable feedback from members of the public. “The impression is that, this is peace time, but police seem not able to take care of their own safety and security even inside of police stations and how could police able to ensure public security in public places?” he asked.

He said that the police stations are considered the safest place and there is no reason people dare to attack police stations if policemen, who being trained in handing security matters, maintained discipline in their job.

“We could see policemen were all armed even inside the police stations itself. In fact, arms carried inside the police station could already scare people to go into police stations to seek help,” he stressed.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Hussain had explained that  closing of the front gates of police stations after 10pm nationwide would be fully implemented once the standard operating procedure (SOP) for the directive is completed by the Bukit Aman Management Department.

He added the SOP for the directive will be presented by Bukit Aman management director Comm Datuk Seri Azmi Abu Kassim before it is implemented in stages at police stations, especially those in the outskirts and rural areas.

"For now, the directive is implemented at certain police stations in the outskirts and rural areas following the attack on the Ulu Tiram police station on May 17.

He had said closing the front gates of police stations did not mean they are not operational, saying that the service delivery to the public would be a priority.