By Simon Peter
KUCHING, March 15 2025: Dubbed as the people-centric convoy, Sarawak civil rights activist Peter John Jaban said it will begin from Lawas on July 18 and will end at the Song Kheng Hai Ground in Kuching for the Sarawak Independence Day celebration on July 22.
Members of the organising committee holding the placard with the theme "Tribute to Tok Nan"
“This time, the Sarawak Independence Day celebration is to pay tribute to the late Tok Nan, who on May 16, 2016, signed an order to gazette July 22 as Sarawak Independence Day and a public holiday,” human rights activist Peter John Jaban told reporters, referring to the late Pehin Sri Adenan Satem, a former Chief Minister, who died in January 2017.
He said it was arising from a civil society Sarawak For Sarawakians-led gathering on July 22, 2015 at the Song Kheng Hari Ground that prompted Adenan to declare July 22 as Sarawak Independence Day and a public holiday.
The gathering was attended by about 15,000 people from all walks of live, he said.
“Therefore, it is fitting that we tribute this year’s celebration to Tok Nan,” he said.
He said the convoy is part of the celebration.
Members of the organising committee at the press conference, with spokesman Peter John Jaban (seated, second from right)He said there is no restriction on who can participate in the convoy as long as they drive their own vehicles, such big bikers and 4WD and car owners.
He added members of political party can join in the convoy, but they are not allowed to display the logos of their parties or to fly their party flags on their vehicles.
He said the participants will distribute pamphlets along the way from Lawas and Kuching to educate Sarawakians on the historical importance of Sarawak’s independence from the British rule.
He said several non-governmental organisations, such as Saya Anak Sarawak (SAS), Persatuan Kebajikan Bersatu Kuching and Sarawak For Sarawakians (S4S), are involved in organising the convoy and the Sarawak Independence Day gathering.
Peter, who is SAS founder, said Sarawak Independence Day celebration organised by these NGOs is people-centric where every rakyat can particiate in, unlike the one organised by the state government where guests, such as ministers, officials, community leaders, and politicians are invited.
“In our case, we are open to any people, regardless of their social backgrounds,” he said, adding that the NGOs will not prevent anyone from participating.
However, Peter said the NGOs hope to get Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) politicians to get involved, such Deputy Tourism,Creative Industry and Peforming Arts minister Datuk Sebastian Ting to flag off the convoy in Miri and Tanjung Datu State Assembly Azizul Annuar Adenan to join the convoy in Telok Melano which is in his constituency.
“Since the theme of our celebration is a tribute to his father, I hope Azizul can join us later,” he said.
Peter said he hope that Kuching South City Council Mayor Datuk Wee Hong Seng will allow the organisers to use Song Kheng Hai Ground for the Sarawak Independence Day gathering.
He said the organisers are not anti-government nor are they pro-opposition parties.
“We are pro-Sarawak and fight for Sarawak’s rights,” he said.
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