Wednesday 7 December 2011

Wrong for a SUPP faction to identify itself with Taib?

There are signs to show that a faction in SUPP wants to associate itself with Chief Minister Taib Mahmud. This faction is trying to emulate the steps taken by James Masing and his supporters when fighting for the control of PBDS before.
Masing was facing veteran politician Daniel Tajem, who was and still is, not in the good book of Taib.
What happened in PBDS, which was deregistered in 2004, was history and should be best forgotten.
There is no need for the SUPP faction to follow the steps taken by Masing and his supporters.
The Dayaks, in general, are politically weak and naive. They do not fight for their rights as strong as what the Chinese do. Hence, it is easy to control them.
But the Chinese are different. They are sophisticated lots. They are not easily influenced in politics. If they do not like certain policies of the government, they dare to voice out their opposition.
The urban Chinese, especially, have shown their opposition to certain Barisan Nasional policies by voting for the Opposition candidates in the past two state elections.
They see corruption and abuse of power committed by the BN.
The Chinese have shown a hatred towards Taib. In fact, Taib is among the reasons why the Chinese voted for the DAP and PKR in the last state elections. Just ask any Chinese in the streets, they will surely tell you of their feelings towards the chief minister.
SUPP was formed primarily for the Chinese. It is not that they no longer like the party anymore.  They see in the current leaders who are afraid to voice the discontentments of the community. They see in the leaders who are scared of Taib.
On the other hand, the DAP leaders dared to square off with Taib in the State Legislative Assembly. They dared to tell Taib off.
Hence, for the SUPP faction to identify itself with Taib is a political mistake. It is for this reason that another faction is going to win in the party election on 11th Dec. This other faction is aware of the feelings of the Chinese community at Taib, hence it decided to keep quiet on its relationship with Taib.

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