Saturday, 20 December 2014

Chong challenges MACC to investigate award of road project to Impian Zaman

KUCHING, Dec 20, 2014: Sarawak Opposition leader Chong Chieng Jen  today challenged MACC Investigations Department director Jamidan Abdullah to investigate the award of the Jalan Song/Sungai Yong, Phase 3, Kapit, Pakej B road construction project to Impian Zaman Sdn Bhd.

"Right from the start, the secretive conversion of “open tender” to “selected tender” process for the award of the project smacks of cronyism and improper industrial practice.
Chong Chieng Jen

"This is especially so when 53 contractors have already submitted their tenders, thinking that it was still an “open tender” project," he said in a statement.

He added:"Many in the construction industry were shocked and furious when they heard about such abnormal secretive conversion of “open tender” to “selected tender”.  Only the MACC thinks that it is acceptable.

"Anyway, if such abnormal practice does not even raise the eye brow of MACC, then the following new information will surely warrant an investigation by MACC into the matter," Chong, who is also the Sarawak DAP chairman, said.

He said these are: the project was awarded to Impian Zaman Sdn Bhd at the price of  RM119,830,000 while 32 contractors, who could do the job, had submitted at a much cheaper prices, some as low as RM83,000,000 (RM36 million cheaper). 

"So why was Impian Zaman Sdn Bhd chosen instead of one of the 32 contractors who can do the job at much cheaper price?

"Impian Zaman Sdn Bhd is a company with only a paid up capital of RM1,000,000.  How can such company carry out a road construction contract costing RM119 million? "

Chong said these are public informations, and can be gathered from the JKR department and the Malaysia Companies Commission (CCM).

He said there are further information which the public has no access and only the MACC has the power and means to obtain by conducting an investigation into the matter.

Except for the RM1 million paid up capital, Chong asked what is the present financial position of Impian Zaman Sdn Bhd? As it is a private company, it is exempted from filing its return with the CCM.

" As such, the public has no means of knowing its financial position," he lamented.

Given that the company only has RM1 million paid up capital, he asked how many machinery it has to carry out the said project?

"How is this company going to carry out the RM119 million construction work with RM1 million paid up capital?  Is it going to be another of those Alibaba contractors?

"What are the relationship between the shareholders and directors of this company with the BN leaders?" he asked. 

"Therefore, the appeal by Jamidan for public to furnish further information is just excuse for him not do doing his job.

"In the present case, the media expose of the matter will also not jeopardise any MACC investigation because, the company, its directors, the award document, financial statements and machinery and equipment cannot be changed over-night.

"In such a simple case, seven days will be more than sufficient for MACC to complete the whole investigation. 

"When Jamidan can be so efficient in replying to my statement in press within one day of my statement, to explain why no action was taken against the Ministry of Finance, I expect the same efficiency from him in carrying out the investigation of this matter. 

"As such, I urge him to immediately initiate an investigation into the award of the  project to Impian Zaman Sdn Bhd," Chong, who is also Bandar Kuching Member of Parliament, said.

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